

Schizocosa malitiosa and Aglaoctenus lagotis are two wolf spiders (Lycosidae) that inhabit grasslands hills of Uruguay. While S. presents a wandering life habit, A. is sedentary, lives in web. In the present study, we experimentally evaluated capture behavior both species on "known" substrate another "unknown" one. To do this, placed (wandering) sand later At same time exposed to (sedentary), web sand. Both captured less preys unknown substratum: lagotis: 71% 35% sand; malitiosa: 94% sand, 47% Likewise, took more prey than web, while did not differ between substrates. The results suggest has possibilities adapting change, seems adapt easily change. strategies used by substrates, as well if our support ancestral origin living Lycosidae, discussed.

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عنوان ژورنال: Boletín de la Sociedad zoológica del Uruguay

سال: 2022

ISSN: ['0255-4402', '2393-6940']

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26462/31.1.3